Friday 17 March 2017






9:30 TO 12:30
Talks on ARDUINO
*How can we use
*Where are we using
*How it solves real time problems
12:30 TO 1:30
1:30 TO 3:00
3:00 TO 4:30

Supported by SWECHA

*Speakers will be coming from Open Hardware Community - SWECHA


About Arduino Day

Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino. It's a 24 hour-long event – organized directly by the community, or by the Arduino founders – where people interested in Arduino get together, share their experiences, and learn more.

Who Can Participate?

All user groups, makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, associations, teachers, professionals, and newbies are welcome.

What Can You Do During Arduino Day?

You can attend an event or organize one for your community. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Maker, an engineer, a designer, a developer or an educator: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate Arduino and all the amazing things that have been done (or can be done!) with the open-source platform. The events will offer different types of activities, tailored to local audiences all over the world.

Arduino Team and Community Events

In 2017, the Arduino team will host official Arduino Day festivities in Turin and Malmö. All other events, organized by the community, will be supported and curated by the Arduino crew.

Facebook Page

Registration Link


Friday 29 April 2016

Automated Labour

The robots among us: automated labour

  1. Robots are currently used across a range of areas, including in shipping, mining, agriculture and retail.
  2. Robots can improve efficiency and productivity in many industries, and carry out some jobs that humans are unable to perform.
  3. An important role of robots is their ability to discover and interpret information, including compiling large or multiple data sets. 
Think robot, and we generally think of those from our science fiction stories. There are friendly robots from Star Wars like C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8; the slightly more sinister ‘helper’ robots from Isaac Asimov’s ‘I, Robot’; or, even worse, the robotic assassins in the future portrayed by the Terminator series. These characters are just that: sci-fi inventions, either from a universe far, far away, or a future so removed from our current lives we’re not sure when (or even if) they will become reality.
But when it actually comes down to it, robots are already here. Just think of those little chappies zooming around vacuuming people’s floors—the ones that some people affectionately stick googly eyes on, or give a name. And even more powerful are the robots that are doing a huge amount of work that most of us just take for granted—a massive amount of labour that underpins so much of industry. These robots are working in a container port near you, or hunting down and spraying the weeds in the fields that produce the vegetables you buy in the supermarket. While they may not be as sleek or fancy as the ones from our sci-fi stories, they are actually here, right now, doing work so that humans don’t have to.
Automated labour can completely transform the way many industrial activities are conducted. Large-scale labour can be revolutionised by automation and, with its strong mining and agricultural industries, Australia is the perfect playground in which to put robots to work.
Transforming industry


The Port of Brisbane and the Port of Botany Bay in Sydney both function with a minimum of human input.
All the imports that come through these ports—much of our furniture, electronics, computers and appliances—are delivered from ship to shore by cranes and then shuffled around the terminal by automated straddle carriers (big four-legged frame structures with wheels that can carry a shipping container) and trucks.
The Port of Brisbane kicked things off by putting 35 automated straddle carriers (AutoStrads) into action in 2007, after a 10-year development period. In 2015, 50 AutoStrads took over operations at Sydney’s Port Botany, making it the largest outdoor autonomous system in the world. Just one person is required to oversee the workings of the entire container yard.
So, how do these robots do their work? There were three key components involved in building the AutoStrads:

  • development of a navigation system that was reliable and guaranteed to be accurate
  • control of a large, heavy vehicle that was capable of carrying heavy loads 
  • design of an entire autonomous system that is predictable, efficient, repeatable and predictable.
The AutoStrad vehicle was modelled on a standard manned straddle carrier. It’s around 10 metres high, 3.5 metres wide and 9 metres long, and weighs around 65 tons. It’s capable of carrying loads of up to 50 tons, and runs on a diesel–electric engine.
The AutoStrad robot’s ‘brain’ consists of a navigation system and a pilot controller. These feed information to what’s called the task controller, which then provides commands to the machine controller. The machine controller is responsible for the actual functions and actions of the AutoStrad. A separate safety system incorporates collision detectors and monitors the vehicle’s ‘health’.
The navigation system is twofold, with two independent systems that operate in fundamentally different ways. Having two systems that do not share any common information ensures the integrity of the system—any mistakes one system makes will be identified and compensated for by the other.
The first system uses a millimetre wave radar sensor that can operate through rain and airborne particulate matter. It communicates with beacons attached to the lighting towers of the terminal, receiving between four and 10 bearing observations per second. The second part of the navigation system is a real-time-kinematic global positioning sensor.

Each of the sensor systems are coupled with two different rate sensors that detect the AutoStrad’s speed, which is also important for determining the vehicle’s location and tracking its movement.
Rudroju Saikrishna

Wednesday 27 April 2016

IBM Watson

IBM Watson is a technology platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data technology platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data
Watson is a question answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language, developed in IBM's DeepQA project by a research team led by principal investigator David Ferrucci. Watson was named after IBM's first CEO and industrialist Thomas J. Watson. The computer system was specifically developed to answer questions on the quiz show Jeopardy!. In 2011, Watson competed on Jeopardy! against former winners Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.Watson received the first place prize of $1 million.
Watson had access to 200 million pages of structured and unstructured content consuming four terabytes of disk storage including the full text of Wikipedia, but was not connected to the Internet during the game. For each clue, Watson's three most probable responses were displayed on the television screen. Watson consistently outperformed its human opponents on the game's signaling device, but had trouble in a few categories, notably those having short clues containing only a few words.
In February 2013, IBM announced that Watson software system's first commercial application would be for utilization management decisions in lung cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in conjunction with health insurance company WellPoint. IBM Watson's former business chief Manoj Saxena says that 90% of nurses in the field who use Watson now follow its guidance.


Watson is a question answering (QA) computing system that IBM built to apply advanced natural language processing,information retrieval, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and machine learning technologies to the field of open domain question answering.
The key difference between QA technology and document search is that document search
 takes a keyword query and returns a list of documents, ranked in order of relevance to the
 query (often based on popularity and page ranking), while QA technology takes a question
 expressed in natural language, seeks to understand it in much greater detail, and returns a
 precise answer to the question.
According to IBM, "more than 100 different techniques are used to analyze natural language, identify sources, find and generate hypotheses, find and score evidence, and merge and rank hypotheses."


Watson uses IBM's DeepQA software and the Apache UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) framework. The system was written in various languages, including Java, C++, and Prolog, and runs on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 operating system using Apache Hadoop framework to provide distributed computing.


  • The matter is collected from and wiki-pedia.
  • Image source is from google.
  • Video source is from youtube IBM channel.

Rudroju Saikrishna

Tuesday 26 April 2016


Wave Star

The concept was invented by sailing enthusiasts Niels and Keld Hansen in 2000. The challenge was to create a regular output of energy from ocean swells and waves that are 5-10 seconds apart. This was achieved with a row of half-submerged buoys, which rise and fall in turn as the wave passes, forming the iconic part of Wavestar’s design. This allows energy to be continually produced despite waves being periodic.The machine’s unique storm protection system, one of the many patented aspects of the design, guarantees the machine’s sea survivability and represents a real milestone in the development of wave energy machines. Wave energy will play a crucial role in securing our energy future, but only machines that can withstand the strongest storms will survive.Climate and environmental issues demand swift diversification to multiple renewable sources in order for us to fulfill our future energy needs. Wavestar will work in harmony with other clean energy methods to support the alternative energy movement and ensure a continuous supply of clean energy. Imagine what we can do together.

How it works?
The Wavestar machine draws energy from wave power with floats that rise and fall with the up and down motion of waves. The floats are attached by arms to a platform that stands on legs secured to the sea floor. The motion of the floats is transferred via hydraulics into the rotation of a generator, producing electricity.Waves run the length of the machine, lifting 20 floats in turn. Powering the motor and generator in this way enables continuous energy production and a smooth output. This is a radical new standard and a unique concept in wave energy; it’s one of the few ways to convert fluctuating wave power into the high-speed rotation necessary to generate electricity.


Environmental and climate issues, as well as uncertainty about energy supply, demand that we diversify our energy supply to multiple renewable and clean sources. With enough space for wave energy machines but little exploitation thus far, Wavestar is not just developing a wave power device, but energizing a whole movement.Energy production with wave energy is more predictable than wind because waves come and go slowly and can be forecast 24 hours ahead. The Wavestar machine could also be installed together with a wind turbine which would further increase efficiency and reduce set-up costs. Wavestar understand that we need many renewable energy solutions, not just one, so it makes sense to harness the power of waves.


The Wavestar vision is about more than just building a machine. In fact, it’s about more than wave energy. We want to change the entire world’s mindset about how we produce clean energy. Here’s the plan to make that happen.Right now, alternative energy exists in a vacuum, but Wavestar want everyone to work closer together to realize the dream of unlimited clean energy. Wavestar plans to lead this movement by building the very first energy parks where wave energy machines can be placed in between the wind mills. This is a win-win as it increasing efficiency and reduces costs for all. When wind and wave join forces to produce clean energy, everybody wins.This is a brand new and revolutionary idea in an industry that often fails to see the bigger picture. At Wavestar we don’t just want to produce electricity; we want to power a whole movement that understands we need many clean and elegant solutions working together in order to meet the planet’s energy needs.


Rudroju Saikrishna

Friday 22 April 2016

3D Printing

Creating body parts with 3D printing
View Transcript:
 I'm Dr Bonassar, and my lab makes ears.

The invention that we've discovered is a way to print living cells in a material that can be used to reconstruct tissues in the body. My laboratory's interested in regenerating cartilage wherever it's found in the body.
The process starts with a scan of an ear. We sit someone down in a chair, and we have a camera that spins around their head, and takes a 3D image of their head. Then you can very precisely map out the topology of the ear.
The next kind of key step is developing the ink for this printer. This ink is actually a living ink. It contains living cells. It's alive when we put it into the printer, it's alive when it comes out of the printer.
The real power of the printing technique is that it can be used to make geometries that you just can't make with any other technique. You can make parts with holes in them, we can layer and cover and put different cells next to each other to create, really, the complex organs that make up our bodies. And after 2 months in an incubator, the tissue fills in and looks white, just like real cartilage. 
The implants that we're making are not rubber or plastic. They are alive. They grow inside the body or out. And this has a whole host of advantages over conventional technology. The body accepts these materials like it's part of the body, because it is.
Our long-term goals are to change the way that clinicians practice, to give them next-generation of implants that will be more successful, more like real tissue that will last in the body for decades.
DR LAWRENCE BONASSAR, Ph.D., Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering, CornellUniversity:
Rudroju Saikrishna

Earth DAy 2016:Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect
  • The sun emits shortwave radiation, which passes through Earth's atmosphere and is absorbed by Earth's surface.
  • Some energy is re-emitted back into the atmosphere, as long wave radiation.
  • 'Greenhouse' gases: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapour effectively prevent some of this longwave radiation from leaving the atmosphere.
  • This warms Earth's atmosphere, making our planet habitable.
  • Human activities have led to a build up of extra greenhouse gases in the atmsophere.
  • As a result, average surface temperatures are rising.
  • Temperatures will continue to rise if greenhouse gases keep building up in the atmosphere.
Without the greenhouse effect we would be living in a very chilly place
the world's average temperature would be minus 18°C, instead of the 15°C we are used to. So what is the greenhouse effect, and how does it make Earth around 33°C warmer?The natural greenhouse effect:
The natural greenhouse effect is a phenomenon caused by gases naturally present in the atmosphere that affect the behaviour of the heat energy radiated by the sun. In simple terms, sunlight (shortwave radiation) passes through the atmosphere, and is absorbed by Earth’s surface. This warms Earth’s surface, and then Earth radiates some of this energy (as infrared, or longwave radiation) back towards space. As it passes through the atmosphere, gases such as (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide absorb most of the energy. The energy is then re-emitted in all directions, so some energy escapes into space, but less than would have escaped if the atmosphere and its greenhouse gases weren’t there. The result is that some of the sun's energy becomes ‘trapped’making the lower part of the atmosphere, and Earth, warmer than it would be otherwise.
This process is known as the greenhouse effect because it is similar to how a greenhouse works the sun’s energy passes through the glass (or similar) panes of the greenhouse, but not all of it is allowed to escape again, making the inside of the greenhouse a warmer and more hospitable environment for the plants inside.
Earth’s energy balance:The rate at which energy is absorbed by Earth is approximately balanced by the rate at which it is emitted back into space, keeping the Earth in what’s known as a state of equilibrium, and at a stable temperature. As long as the amount of greenhouse gases in the air stays the same, and the rate of energy arriving from the sun is constant, this equilibrium is maintained. In the state of equilibrium that existed during the centuries up until Industrial Revolution, which started in the late 1700s, the natural greenhouse effect maintained the average temperature of Earth’s surface at around 15°C.Greenhouse Gases:Scientists have been regularly measuring the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide (CO2) content since around 1960. Several stations around the world, including a number of Australian stations jointly operated by the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, monitor CO2and other greenhouse gases and contribute data to the Global Atmosphere Watch.But how can we find out the CO2 concentrations that existed before this regular monitoring started?Evidence comes from a variety of sources, but one of the most straightforward involves taking ice samples from the polar ice caps. Ice sheets build up from the compression of each year's snowfalls. By drilling down into the ice (which is up to 4 kilometres thick), scientists can collect core samples of the annual snowfall going back over thousands of years. The deeper you go, the older the ice. This ice contains air bubbles, captured when the snow fell and sealed in ice since that time.The composition of the atmosphere is changing:
Earth's atmosphere is made up of 78 per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent oxygen. Only about 1 per cent is made up of natural greenhouse gases, but this comparatively small amount of gas makes a big difference. The Industrial Revolution brought new industrial processes, an increase in the burning of fossil fuels, more extensive agriculture, and a rapid increase in the world's population. This rapid increase in human activity led to the (still ongoing) emission of significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We know this because of measurements made over the past 50 years and the analysis of air bubbles trapped in ancient ice, which show that levels of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and halocarbons are increasing.
Although Earth’s atmosphere has changed significantly over geological time, and high concentrations of greenhouse gases have been present in Earth’s atmosphere in the past, never before has Earth been subjected to such a large increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over such a short time. Although over a geological timeframe (thousands to millions of years), life on Earth would be able to gradually adapt to the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, the comparative equilibrium that has existed for the past 10,000 years or so is being disturbed at such a rapid rate that adaptation might not be possible.


Rudroju Saikrishna

Thursday 21 April 2016

Quantum Computers


Quantum computing studies theoretical computation systems (quantum computers) that make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data.Quantum computers are different from digital electronic computers based on transistors.

Quantum computers explained

  • Where are the limits of human technology? 
  • And can we somehow avoid them? 
  • This is where quantum computers become very interesting.
For most of our history, human technology consisted of our brains, fire, and sharp sticks. While fire and sharp sticks became power plants and nuclear weapons, the biggest upgrade has happened to our brains.
Since the 1960s the power of our “brain machines” has kept growing exponentially, allowing computers to get smaller and more powerful at the same time. But this process is about to meet its physical limits. Computer parts are approaching the size of an atom. To understand why this is a problem, we have to clear up some basics.
A computer is made up of very simple components doing very simple things—representing data, the means of processing it, and control mechanisms. 
Computer chips contain modules, which contain logic gates, which contain transistors. A transistor is the simplest form of a data processor in computers—basically a switch that can either block or open the way for information coming through. This information is made up of “bits”, which can be set to either 0 or 1. Combinations of several bits are used to represent more complex information. Transistors are combined to create logic gates, which still do very simple stuff. For example, an AND gate sends an output of 1 if all of its inputs are 1, and an output of 0 otherwise. Combinations of logic gates finally form meaningful modules, say, for adding two numbers. Once you can add, you can also multiply, and once you can multiply, you can basically do anything.
Since all basic operations are literally simpler than first-grade math, you can imagine a computer as a group of seven-year-olds answering really basic math questions. A large enough bunch of them can compute anything, from astrophysics to Zelda.
However, with parts getting tinier and tinier, quantum physics are making things tricky. In a nutshell, a transistor is just an electric switch. Electricity is electrons moving from one place to another, so a switch is a passage that can block electrons from moving in one direction. Today, a typical scale for transistors is 14 nanometers, which is about 8 times less than the HIV virus's diameter, and 500 times smaller than a red blood cell's.
As transistors are shrinking to the size of only a few atoms, electrons may just transfer themselves to the other side of a blocked passage via a process called quantum tunneling.
In the quantum realm, physics works quite differently from the predictable ways we're used to, and traditional computers just stop making sense. We are approaching a real physical barrier for our technological progress. To solve this problem, scientists are trying to use these unusual quantum properties to their advantage by building quantum computers.
In normal computers, bits are the smallest units of information. Quantum computers use qubits, which can also be set to one of two values. A qubit can be any two-level quantum system, such as a spin in a magnetic field or a single photon. Zero and one are this system's possible states, like the photon's horizontal or vertical polarization. In the quantum world, the qubit doesn't have to be in just one of those; it can be in any proportions of both states at once. This is called superposition. But as soon as you test its value, say by sending the photon through a filter, it has to decide to be either vertically or horizontally polarized.  
So as long as it's unobserved, the qubit is in a superposition of probabilities for 0 and 1, and you can't predict which it will be. But the instant you measure it, it collapses into one of the definite states. 
Superposition is a game-changer. Four classical bits can be one in 2 to the power of 4 different configurations at a time. That's 16 possible combinations, out of which you can use just one. Four qubits in superposition, however, can be in all of those 16 combinations at once! This number grows exponentially with each extra qubit. 20 of them can already store a million values in parallel.
A really weird and unintuitive property qubits can have is entanglement, a close connection that makes each of the qubits react to a change in the other's state instantaneously, no matter how far they are apart. This means that when measuring just one entangled qubit, you can directly deduce properties of its partners without having to look.
Qubit manipulation is a mind-bender as well. A normal logic gate gets a simple set of inputs and produces one definite output. A quantum gate manipulates an input of superpositions, rotates probabilities, and produces another superposition as its output. So a quantum computer sets up some qubits, applies quantum gates to entangle them and manipulate probabilities, and finally measures the outcome, collapsing superpositions to an actual sequence of 0s and 1s. What this means is that you get the entire lot of calculations that are possible with your setup all done at the same time.
Ultimately, you can only measure one of the results, and it will only probably be the one you want, so you may have to double-check and try again. But by cleverly exploiting superposition and entanglement, this can be exponentially more efficient than would ever be possible on a normal computer.
So while quantum computers will probably not replace our home computers, in some areas they are vastly superior. One of them is database searching. To find something in a database, a normal computer may have to test every single one of its entries. Quantum algorithms need only the square root of that time, which for large databases is a huge difference.
The most famous use of quantum computers is ruining IT security. Right now, your browsing, email and banking data is being kept secure by an encryption system in which you give everyone a public key to encode messages only you can decode. The problem is that this public key can actually be used to calculate your secret private key. Luckily, doing the necessary math on any normal computer would literally take years of trial and error. But a quantum computer with exponential speedup could do it in a breeze.
Another really exciting new use is simulations. Simulations of the quantum world are very intense on resources, and even for bigger structures, such as molecules, they often lack accuracy. So why not simulate quantum physics with actual quantum physics? Quantum simulations could provide new insights on proteins that might revolutionize medicine.
Right now we don't know if quantum computers will be just a very specialized

tool or a big revolution for humanity. We have no idea where the limits of technology are, and there's only one way to find out!


Rudroju Saikrishna

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Blast from the past! Batteries.

What is a battery?

  • A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it into electrical energy.
  • The chemical reaction in a battery involves the flow of electrons from one material ( electrode) to another, through an external circuit.
  • The flow of electrons provides an electric current that can be used to do work.
  • To balance the flow of electrons, changed ions also flow through an electrolyte solution that is in contact with both electrodes.
  • Difference electrodes and electrolytes produce different chemical reaction that affect how the battery works, how much energy it can store and its voltage.

Imagine a world without batteries. All those portable devices, we're so dependent on would be so limited!
we would only be able to take our laptops and phones as afar as the reach of their cables, making that new running app you just downloaded onto your phone fairly useless.

Luckily, we do have batteries. Back in 150 BC in Mesopotamia, the parthian culture used a device known as the Baghdad battery, made of copper and iron electrodes with vinegar or citric acid. Archaeologist believe there were not actually batteries but were used primarily for religious ceremonies.

The invention of the battery as we know it is credited to the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta, who put together the first battery to prove a point to another Italian scientist, Luigi Galvani. In 1780, Galvani had shown the legs of frog handing on iron or brass hooks would twitch when touched with a probe of some other type of metal. He believed that this was caused by electricity from within the frog's tissues, and called it 'animal electricity'.

Volta, while initially impressed with Galvani’s findings, came to believe that the electric current came from the
 two different types of metal (the hooks on which the frogs were hanging and the different metal of the probe) and was merely being transmitted through, not from, the frogs’ tissues. He experimented with stacks of layers of silver and zinc interspersed with layers of cloth or paper soaked in saltwater, and found that an electric current did in fact flow through a wire applied to both ends of the pile

Volta also found that by using different metals in the pile, the amount of voltage could be increased. He described his findings in a letter to Joseph Banks, then president of the Royal Society of London, in 1800. It was a pretty big deal (Napoleon was fairly impressed!) and his invention earned him sustained recognition in the honour of the ‘volt’ (a measure of electric potential) being named after him.
"I myself, joking aside, am amazed how my old and new discoveries of ... pure and simple electricity caused by the contact of metals, could have produced so much excitement."
-Alessandro Volta
So what exactly was happening with those layers of zinc and silver, and indeed, the twitching frogs’ legs? 


  1. The information is taken from all parts of Google and mostly taken from
  2. The video is taken from TED-Ed
Rudroju Saikrishna



IoT ( Internet of Things):

IoT provides networking to connect people, things, applications and data through the Internet to enable remote control, management and interactive integrated services.

  • IoT Network Scale:

Number of mobile devices exceeds the number of people on earth. Predictions are made that there will be 50 billion 'things' connected to the Internet by 2020.

  • IoT Service Support:
Some advanced IoT services will need to collect, analyse and process segments of raw sensors data and turn it into operational control information.

Some sensors data types may have massive size (due to large number of IoT devices)

IoT databases will need cloud computing support.

IoT data analysis will need Big Data Support.

  • Influence of IoT:
PEOPLE      : More 'things' can be monitored and controlled "people will become more capable".
PROCESS   : More users and machines can collaborate in real-time "more complex tasks can be accomplished in lesser time".
DATA         : Collect data more frequently and reliably "results in more accurate decision making".
THINGS     : Things become more controllable "mobile devices and things become more valuable"

Economic Impact:

Predictions have been made that IoT has the potential to increase global corporate profits by 21%               
( in aggregate) by 2020.
Asset Utilization              -              $ 2.5 T
    Employee Productivity       -                   $  2.5 T
Supply Chain & Logistics       -               $ 2.7 T
Customer Experience              -            $ 3.7 T   
Inovation                 -              $ 3.7 T
Total of $15.1 Trillion market
  • And also can be seen in 
M2M ( Machine to Machine)connections are increasingly important and gets a market of $6.4 T economy 45%.
P2P ( Person to Person) as well as and gets a market of $3.5 T.
P2M ( Person to Machine) & M2P ( Machine to Person) and gets a market of $4.5 T economy of both P2P as well is 55%

Iot Applications:

  • Security: Surveillance applications, Alarms, Real-Time objects, People tracking and monitoring.
  • Transportation: Road safety, Emission control, Toll payment, Real-Time traffic monitoring, and many more ITS ( Intelligent Transport Systems) applications.
  • Health care: E-health, Personal security, Body-sensor based customized health care system.
  • Utilities: Measurement, Provisioning and Billing of Utilities ( eg;- Gas, Water, Electricity, ETC)
  • Manufacturing: Monitoring and Automation of a production chain.
  • Supply & Provisioning: Freight supply, Distribution monitoring and Vending machines.
  • Facility Management: Home, Building and Campus Automation.


  • J. Bradley, J. Barbier and D. Handler, "Embracing the Internet of Everything to capture your share of $14.4 Trillions", ( CISCO, White Paper, 2013 ) 
  • IBM Think Academy

Rudroju Saikrishna